Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last weekend I managed to get the pasture fence hooked up to the barn so that I can get the goats out into the pasture, so that is good. Now I don't have to walk the goats around to the end gate one by one.

The weather this past weekend was AWESOME. I managed to get the head stanchion painted for the milkstand. I still have the drop-down pieces to get cut and attached and get the rubber mat laid on it then it will be complete.

The second part of my day on Saturday, I spent getting the tractor set up for mowing. I pulled the mower deck out and tipped it up to make sure it was all cleaned out. I got two of the three blades off and sharpened them. The third blade would not come off, I ended up just using a file and sharpening it that way. I know it wasn't as sharp as the other two. Next was to get it under the tractor and get the PTO hooked up. What should normally take about 5 mins to do, took me about an hour. For the life of me I could not get the gears to match up. I was covered with grease, Festus was covered with grease. I might have used the milkstand as a bench, because it appears to have grease on it as well. I guess the rubber mat will cover that up. I got it hooked up and as I drive the tractor out of the barn, I'm not sure but I think I could faintly hear some music playing. it sounded something like "Taaa Daaaaaa".

I always start along the highway and work my way north. For the past five years or so I was working on sort of a wildlife area clear in the back, with nothing but native plants and such...for the past three years the deer have eaten every tree and bush I planted. This season, I am planning on setting trip wires and dynamite, something akin to Carl Spackler of Caddy Shack fame. Not that i don't like deer mind you, but if they would just wait and let the plants get a start BEFORE they eat them maybe they would be able to regenerate. I had plans to put in a dry stream bed, or maybe scrap somewhat so that I could get a little wetlands back there. It's already damp back there when we get rain, scrap the top might just help keep it longer, bringing in wildlife...But they have to give it time and as many deer as I get back there I should open up a "weedy, woody & nut crop" walk thru...at least maybe then They would get only what i want to give out, it wouldn't be a "take at will" type restaurant. At least until it gets established and can support more.

Yesterday I had a set of Nubian twins born. One boy, solid black with a little white top-notch and a girl, sort of the roan color with white ears and a bunch of spots of white throughout. I might have one more to kid yet a Saanen. She looks like she is making a little udder, but maybe she just thinks everyone else is doing it and she didn't want to be left out. If she is bred, it was a mistake, because I never put her in with the buck.

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