Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dillon has had a bump on his head for about 6 weeks now. He went under the fence (without my knowledge) and came in the pen with me while I fed the big bucks. I never heard a whimper out of him so it is tough to say if one of the bucks butted him or not. He had started shaking his head about that long ago. I looked in his ears to see if maybe he had an infection. They were both clean as a whistle. I let things go for another wee of so. About three weeks later, I noticed the hair on his head sort of standing up a bit. I felt it and he sort of winced and shook his head. That was when I assumed he might have actually gotten butted but I still didn’t know. I thought maybe it was just bruised, maybe he ran into something while he was playing with Festus it would just go away in a few days.
At the end of that next week it still hadn’t gone away . He was still shaking his head and it seemed to get larger. I took him to the vet and they put him on some antibiotics that would get into the bone, thinking the bone was actually bruised and then maybe infected. He took those pills for two weeks without change other then it now seemed to get larger and smaller from day to day as well as shift from one side to the other.
Friday I took him once again to the vet. I had an appointment in the closest office (St. Marys) and was the last to be seen. The vet looked at him and his ears and tried to feel ANYTHING…nothing. He decided we should take X-Rays. I then had to drive to Celina (home office) and was the last to be seen there. He took three X-Rays and you could actually see whatever it was on the top of his head. Of the two vets there, neither could determine what it was. The bump looks like it is making his forehead about an inch higher than it should be just behind his eyes. They both decided to give him STRONGER antibiotics than he had the last time and take them for three weeks.
He is going to be starting the second week tomorrow. The bump seemed to be smaller this morning but I can’t really tell. He squirms around when you want to hug him or whips you with his tail when you just try to pet him. That tail could put an eye out! It is just hard to tell if after this first week there is any difference at all. Neither one of the vets were willing to rule out a tumor. A Tumor is what I suspected last week when we went and I am always thinking the worst, that is just my personality I guess, sometimes I’m a living walking Eeyore.
Here is a terrible picture of his head (my cell takes horrid pictures)

On a good note though, he came to me weighing 12 to 18 pounds, 3 1/2 months later he is weighing in at 65 and that’s roughly 8 months old.
At the end of that next week it still hadn’t gone away . He was still shaking his head and it seemed to get larger. I took him to the vet and they put him on some antibiotics that would get into the bone, thinking the bone was actually bruised and then maybe infected. He took those pills for two weeks without change other then it now seemed to get larger and smaller from day to day as well as shift from one side to the other.
Friday I took him once again to the vet. I had an appointment in the closest office (St. Marys) and was the last to be seen. The vet looked at him and his ears and tried to feel ANYTHING…nothing. He decided we should take X-Rays. I then had to drive to Celina (home office) and was the last to be seen there. He took three X-Rays and you could actually see whatever it was on the top of his head. Of the two vets there, neither could determine what it was. The bump looks like it is making his forehead about an inch higher than it should be just behind his eyes. They both decided to give him STRONGER antibiotics than he had the last time and take them for three weeks.
He is going to be starting the second week tomorrow. The bump seemed to be smaller this morning but I can’t really tell. He squirms around when you want to hug him or whips you with his tail when you just try to pet him. That tail could put an eye out! It is just hard to tell if after this first week there is any difference at all. Neither one of the vets were willing to rule out a tumor. A Tumor is what I suspected last week when we went and I am always thinking the worst, that is just my personality I guess, sometimes I’m a living walking Eeyore.
Here is a terrible picture of his head (my cell takes horrid pictures)

On a good note though, he came to me weighing 12 to 18 pounds, 3 1/2 months later he is weighing in at 65 and that’s roughly 8 months old.
Friday, December 11, 2009
My Newest Low............
Well, I have officially brought myself down to the lowest of lows. With Christmas on the way, everyone wants what they want for Christmas. Who would have ever thought that a True Natural Born Cornhusker would EVER….I mean EVER ….WILLING buy ANYTHING to do with TEXAS??? One does not know how much it pained me to get on that web site today and shop for a Texas fan that is NOW part of my family. Just looking at the multiple web pages of gifts for purchase makes me want to stick hot pokers in my eyes. I didn’t just rush in there and rush out, I didn’t want the gift to end up being stupid, and in the long run make me hated. I wanted to get him something that he would like at least. A 14 yr old teenage Texas fan living in Ohio….It’s all his father's fault. At least that is who I am blaming!!
At least it wasn't Oklahoma.......................
At least it wasn't Oklahoma.......................

Monday, December 7, 2009
I had been waiting for a certain phone call for about three weeks. Just when I thought I was in the clear (two days before the actually event) the phone rings. Catching me off guard, I didn't look to see who it was, I just answered it. I heard the voice and thought, "OH CRAP". "Hey, you are going to help with the Pancake Breakfast Saturday...right?". Without missing a beat I said that yes, I would be there. I figured, it's not all that bad anyway, just do it and get it over with. Every year the local Historical Society has a Pancake Breakfast that coincides with the Visit with Santa at the local Firehouse. Now I am not a member of the Historical Society but every year without fail, I am working there. Thanks goodness I am in the far back room cooking the sausage and pretty much that is it.
I plugged my truck in on Friday night so it would start easily in the morning and set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. Saturday. I rarely need an alarm, but I thought, just in case....I got up right on time and decided NOT to do chores that early, figuring I would be back home in about 4 hours anyway. I had let the inside dogs out and sat in the chair to watch TV for a minute and then let the dogs back in. They came back in and I got them fed. I got the the Firehouse around 5:45...a little late in my book, and I only live a mile from the place (too much TV I guess...)
I go directly to the back to find two guys already frying. Getting there late, I was left with the two old skillets. I plugged them both in and got them heated up in no time. Each skillet held I think it was 12 links. The three of us got 50# of sausage cooked up in what seemed no time at all. I was the runner as well. Making sure the front had the sausage to put on the plates. So when I turned my links in my skillets I would run up from to see how far ahead we were. The one guy had to leave so I took over his skillet as well. We cooked another 20# up between the two of us and then he said he had to go. He at least cleaned up his skillet. I cooked the last box of sausage up and got everything up to the front.
I am not sure how many workers they had in the front but I know it was at least 9.
Half of them were sitting at various tables talking. I told my superior that I had to leave for a bit, but that I would be back to get MY OWN breakfast since I hadn't had time to sit down. I got tied up while I was away and got back into town 12:50 pm, it was supposed to run til 1:00 pm. I stopped quickly hoping they had things cleaned up, or at least STARTED clean up. Nope, five people were sitting there eating, three workers were at the table with them talking. One was standing there with a towel in his hand. Another three people were actually working. One was flipping pancakes one was cleaning tables and the other was holding the plate for the cakes.
Since it was put on by The Historical Society, I know most of the members are older and I don't really MIND helping. I don't really want to waste half of the two free days I have to get things done during the week, but I don't complain about it. I just do it. But this year, sort of torqued me off. Seems when the 1:00 pm clock chimed, everyone left except the guy in charge and I. Now I also help this same guy farm from time to time so I would help him whenever he needed it, no big deal. BUT EVERYONE ELSE LEFT! I am not even a Historical Society Member!! I think all the members THINK I am because I am there ever year , but I am not.
As soon as I was done eating, I started on getting the two grills cleaned up. While I did that he worked on getting the laundry together and cleaning up the bowls and such in the kitchen. When I got done with grilles he got the gas lines unhooked. Tables were taken down, all cooking utensils boxed up and ready to go into storage. Everything that he needed to take home was put in the back of his truck. Everything that needed to go the Historical Society storage was right next to the door where so he could pull up and load it easily. I asked him if he needed me to help him unload the stuff at home and adamantly told "NO". I did ask him if someone was going to help him pull the one grill out on Sunday or Monday to get it into storage and he told me yes, someone was going tot help him.
Like I said, I know most of these people are older, but it still seems like SOME of them could stay if for nothing more that moral support than so be it. I have found this to be the case in most clubs I have belonged to. Every week, myself and one other person would be the one out there carrying 15 targets at a time setting them one by one. Cutting out shooting lanes and such then setting the other 15 targets on the other side. There is always Bible School, drawing and painting all the back drops, getting costumes and such put together....two of us there to do it.
I'll step down now off my little collapsible soapbox, because no matter how much I sit here and complain, it wouldn't matter anyway. I would still get called to help and I would still do it the next time, without complaining face to face with any of the members. If someone asks me to do anything, I can never say no, even though I hear "NO" 9 times out of 10 when I ask for help.
I plugged my truck in on Friday night so it would start easily in the morning and set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. Saturday. I rarely need an alarm, but I thought, just in case....I got up right on time and decided NOT to do chores that early, figuring I would be back home in about 4 hours anyway. I had let the inside dogs out and sat in the chair to watch TV for a minute and then let the dogs back in. They came back in and I got them fed. I got the the Firehouse around 5:45...a little late in my book, and I only live a mile from the place (too much TV I guess...)
I go directly to the back to find two guys already frying. Getting there late, I was left with the two old skillets. I plugged them both in and got them heated up in no time. Each skillet held I think it was 12 links. The three of us got 50# of sausage cooked up in what seemed no time at all. I was the runner as well. Making sure the front had the sausage to put on the plates. So when I turned my links in my skillets I would run up from to see how far ahead we were. The one guy had to leave so I took over his skillet as well. We cooked another 20# up between the two of us and then he said he had to go. He at least cleaned up his skillet. I cooked the last box of sausage up and got everything up to the front.
I am not sure how many workers they had in the front but I know it was at least 9.
Half of them were sitting at various tables talking. I told my superior that I had to leave for a bit, but that I would be back to get MY OWN breakfast since I hadn't had time to sit down. I got tied up while I was away and got back into town 12:50 pm, it was supposed to run til 1:00 pm. I stopped quickly hoping they had things cleaned up, or at least STARTED clean up. Nope, five people were sitting there eating, three workers were at the table with them talking. One was standing there with a towel in his hand. Another three people were actually working. One was flipping pancakes one was cleaning tables and the other was holding the plate for the cakes.
Since it was put on by The Historical Society, I know most of the members are older and I don't really MIND helping. I don't really want to waste half of the two free days I have to get things done during the week, but I don't complain about it. I just do it. But this year, sort of torqued me off. Seems when the 1:00 pm clock chimed, everyone left except the guy in charge and I. Now I also help this same guy farm from time to time so I would help him whenever he needed it, no big deal. BUT EVERYONE ELSE LEFT! I am not even a Historical Society Member!! I think all the members THINK I am because I am there ever year , but I am not.
As soon as I was done eating, I started on getting the two grills cleaned up. While I did that he worked on getting the laundry together and cleaning up the bowls and such in the kitchen. When I got done with grilles he got the gas lines unhooked. Tables were taken down, all cooking utensils boxed up and ready to go into storage. Everything that he needed to take home was put in the back of his truck. Everything that needed to go the Historical Society storage was right next to the door where so he could pull up and load it easily. I asked him if he needed me to help him unload the stuff at home and adamantly told "NO". I did ask him if someone was going to help him pull the one grill out on Sunday or Monday to get it into storage and he told me yes, someone was going tot help him.
Like I said, I know most of these people are older, but it still seems like SOME of them could stay if for nothing more that moral support than so be it. I have found this to be the case in most clubs I have belonged to. Every week, myself and one other person would be the one out there carrying 15 targets at a time setting them one by one. Cutting out shooting lanes and such then setting the other 15 targets on the other side. There is always Bible School, drawing and painting all the back drops, getting costumes and such put together....two of us there to do it.
I'll step down now off my little collapsible soapbox, because no matter how much I sit here and complain, it wouldn't matter anyway. I would still get called to help and I would still do it the next time, without complaining face to face with any of the members. If someone asks me to do anything, I can never say no, even though I hear "NO" 9 times out of 10 when I ask for help.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Welcoming December....
On this side of the office today, we get to work a little closer to nature....I walked into a silent office this morning to find black plastic covering my huge floor to ceiling window. I had to slip sideways in-between my desk and the plastic covering to get to my chair. Since about 8:30, they have been sawing, hammering, grinding, chiseling and discussing while trying to take the huge 5ft x 7ft window out. What Fun! The view from my desk, sorry it is too close, couldn't get it from the floor up.

This office is divided into four sections: Upstairs, with two halves, first floor with two sides and a conference room, and a basement. Of course the window would happen to be two and half feet from my desk. The black plastic is duct taped at the top and nailed along two sides. The bottom was left to float up and down with the breeze we have today. The window came out about 9:30. We also have a temp of 33 degrees and 10mph wind. My boss, who is prone to migraines, started complaining about 5 minutes after he walked in. Everyone on the other side of the office comes over here and laughs, while we are all three wearing our winter coats and toboggans.
Since the office where I work is located out in the country, and today the only the SECOND day of deer gun law, I can hear every shot taken this morning. We are also in a sort of airport fly zone, so that is another PLUS! At least the opening is located on the back side of the building, therefore cushioning the highway traffic noise.
The plotter repairman finally called me back, after not even showing up last week. He informed me that the part didn't come in last week like it was supposed to. He said it is supposed to be in tomorrow and he'll be here to fix it , whatever...
Yep, this is going to be a GREAT DAY!!!

This office is divided into four sections: Upstairs, with two halves, first floor with two sides and a conference room, and a basement. Of course the window would happen to be two and half feet from my desk. The black plastic is duct taped at the top and nailed along two sides. The bottom was left to float up and down with the breeze we have today. The window came out about 9:30. We also have a temp of 33 degrees and 10mph wind. My boss, who is prone to migraines, started complaining about 5 minutes after he walked in. Everyone on the other side of the office comes over here and laughs, while we are all three wearing our winter coats and toboggans.
Since the office where I work is located out in the country, and today the only the SECOND day of deer gun law, I can hear every shot taken this morning. We are also in a sort of airport fly zone, so that is another PLUS! At least the opening is located on the back side of the building, therefore cushioning the highway traffic noise.
The plotter repairman finally called me back, after not even showing up last week. He informed me that the part didn't come in last week like it was supposed to. He said it is supposed to be in tomorrow and he'll be here to fix it , whatever...
Yep, this is going to be a GREAT DAY!!!
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