Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcoming December....

On this side of the office today, we get to work a little closer to nature....I walked into a silent office this morning to find black plastic covering my huge floor to ceiling window. I had to slip sideways in-between my desk and the plastic covering to get to my chair. Since about 8:30, they have been sawing, hammering, grinding, chiseling and discussing while trying to take the huge 5ft x 7ft window out. What Fun! The view from my desk, sorry it is too close, couldn't get it from the floor up.

This office is divided into four sections: Upstairs, with two halves, first floor with two sides and a conference room, and a basement. Of course the window would happen to be two and half feet from my desk. The black plastic is duct taped at the top and nailed along two sides. The bottom was left to float up and down with the breeze we have today. The window came out about 9:30. We also have a temp of 33 degrees and 10mph wind. My boss, who is prone to migraines, started complaining about 5 minutes after he walked in. Everyone on the other side of the office comes over here and laughs, while we are all three wearing our winter coats and toboggans.

Since the office where I work is located out in the country, and today the only the SECOND day of deer gun law, I can hear every shot taken this morning. We are also in a sort of airport fly zone, so that is another PLUS! At least the opening is located on the back side of the building, therefore cushioning the highway traffic noise.

The plotter repairman finally called me back, after not even showing up last week. He informed me that the part didn't come in last week like it was supposed to. He said it is supposed to be in tomorrow and he'll be here to fix it , whatever...
Yep, this is going to be a GREAT DAY!!!


  1. Every time I look at that picture, I can feel the cold draft. Brrrrr.

  2. that draft was felt all day. By quitting time, i had a pretty good headache going form the noise level and a nice back ache from just the cold in general.
