Friday, January 22, 2010

Dillon's latest visit to his docter.,,,,,

Last wednesday I had to get both Dillon and Flint (15 yo jack russell) to the vet for a follow-up visit for Dillon and Flint has had something going on with his ear.

Dillon sat still and very calm while his stitches came out. Once out, the vet felt the bump on his head again, The vet looked up and sort of smiled. He said that Dillon didn't seem to have ANY more pain at all. The tissue wasn't soft in the back anymore. After that good news, my only question was "Are we going to do anything with this Dome of Notre Dame on his head?" "Nope" was his answer.

I feel bad that he has this goofy sort of appeance, I mean, are the other dogs going to tease him? I'm kidding of course, I am thrilled that he is fine and will hopefully continue to be the great puppy, 9 mo. old 87 lb. puppy, for a long time. He's a great guy. I'll even say it again. whoever it was that dumped him that ditch, missed out on what a great friend they could have had.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear some good news for you and Dillon.
