Monday, January 4, 2010


The Tossed out puppy "Dillon"

Since the beginning of August/start of September 2009 Dillon has gained roughly 60#.
the morning after I found him he had to be taken to the vet. It was determined he was PARVO positive and was placed on IV's for 5 days. I bought him home at the end of the week and he did nothing but get better and put on weight. In October I took him to get his first round of puppy shots. In November, I took him back in to the vet because he had this big bump on his head. Whenever you touched it he would cry out. The vet decided to give him antibiotics thinking it was possibly a bone infection. When those pills ran out I took him back because the bump had not gone away, in fact it was a bit larger. They took three x-rays of his head and you could see on the films that there was SOMETHING there, but what, they didn't know. Again Dillon was prescribed with two more pills to take, one being a stronger antibiotic, to be taken for three weeks. Well, all the pills are gone. Dillon went back to the vet Saturday the 2nd. The vet was perplexed. The bump was much larger now and harder in the front. It was growing back over the top of his skull. The whole top of his skull seems to be covered with this growth. Very hard in the front, but newer growth is softer but still very firm and very sensitive. The vet then asked me "how far do you want to go with this". I almost lost it on that question, but held it together. I asked what the options were. He told me I could see a specialist at Ohio State but he wasn't sure what else he could do. I asked him if he could just cut him open and see what the heck was there. He said he couldn't do that, but maybe he could get a sample and send it off. He said he would find out how much that was and be back. When he came back he sat down and showed me the paper. I asked him that if we did this, at least we can maybe find out what we are dealing with right? He said he hoped so, that he had never seen anything like this. So, Dillon goes back the vet Wednesday night for a Friday morning operation to get a bone sample. Knowing how his life has been so far, I almost hating my self for not just putting him down when I found. That way he wouldn't be having to go through this crap now. I feel so bad for him. He is such a great guy (even though I now believe he might be part MASTIFF). He always wants to be included in on everything. When he can't be included he just sits waits. He rarely barks unless there is no room left on my lap (how much room came there be with a 70+# pooch wanting up?!). I a way, I don't even want to take him back, but I have to know. If I CAN do something I will. If I just can't, I can't. I have a lot of animals depending on me with a crapper of an economy going on Dillon was placed in my care I have to do what I can do.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very tough position to be in, I know. Do what you think is the right thing and then see what happens. Dillon and your other animals are very lucky to be in your life.
